News — X-Line

Intrinsic Muscle Strength: Is It Important?

Posted by PPL Biomechanics on

Intrinsic Muscle Strength: Is It Important?

For a long time, the plantar fascia (aponeurosis) has been given a leading role as ‘the’ soft tissue for maintaining the foot’s profile in gait and for stiffening the foot during the stance phase through the windlass mechanism (1; 2). More recently researchers have taken a harder look a the plantar intrinsics to see how significant their role is in foot function (3). Our intent is this short article is to answer the question; ‘is intrinsic foot muscle strength important?’ Foot rehabilitation is an integral part of foot orthosis design and provision, both for the intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles...

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Extended X-Line Stock Foot Orthoses Range

Posted by Thomas Twomey on

Extended X-Line Stock Foot Orthoses Range

X-Line stock foot orthoses have been central to our range for a number of years. This brand has experienced considerable growth over the last 18 months. This influenced our decision to extend our X-Line range to include 6 further devices. Our most popular device within the range has been the X-Line TPD, a highly stable option for Tib Post Dysfunction. A lower strength alternative is now available in the form of the TPD 50 Light. This is of particular use to teenagers that have outgrown the Pedipod device. The new X-Line Standard is a basic insole which can be easily...

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